Things to do: visit Claude Monet’s house and garden in Giverny

Monet's_house_in_GivernyOne place that is certainly worth a visit is Claude Monet‘s house and garden in Giverny.

Monet first saw the small village of Giverny from a train, and he decided to live there. Eventually he bought a house there and lived in it for 43 years. Next to the house he had a large studio, and around the house he created a beautiful garden. In Giverny he painted many of his famous paintings, and the garden is important in these paintings. Monet’s presence in the village attracted other painters, and over time a real art colony grew there. The house of Monet is now a museum, and the nearby musée des impressionismes Giverny is a second museum, which tells the story of the art colony.

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(Image source: wikipedia)


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