Category: Museum
The sad history of the Japanese tower and the Chinese Pavilion in Brussels
In 1900 there was a world fair in Paris. The Grand Palais and Petit Palais, as well as the nearby Pont Alexandre III, were built for this fair, and are famous Paris landmarks to this day. The fair showed novelties such as Rudolf Diesel‘s engine (running on peanut oil!), Russian matryoshka dolls, talking films, and escalators. The…
Things to do: Visit the Saitama railway museum
The history of Japanese railroads goes back as far as 1872, when a railroad was opened between Yokohama and Tokyo (just in time for Isabella Bird to use it in 1875). The network was quickly expanded, but the highlight of the modern Japanese railway system is the Shinkansen, a network of high-speed trains with a remarkable track…
The railway museum in Utrecht
The railway museum in Utrecht is the museum of the Dutch Railways (NS, which originally stood for Nederlandse Spoorwegen). The museum is an old railway station, and there are still special museum trains that connect from Utrecht Central station to the museum. Official website, see on: Google maps OpenStreetMap